Create a Firepress App

Configure your development environment and create a Firepress Application.

Step 1: Set up your development environment.

Firepress Apps are written in JavaScript and requires NodeJS and NPM to be installed. Ensure you have these installed before you start!

Step 2: Install the Firebase CLI and Firepress CLI packages

In order to create a new Firepress App and later be able to deploy your app to Firebase you need to install a couple of command-line tools.

Run the following npm command from your terminal:

npm install -g @firepress/create firebase-tools

Step 3: Connect your local environment to Firebase

Run the following command and sign in:

firebase login

This command connects your local machine to Firebase and grants you access to your Firebase projects.

Step 4: Create a Firepress App

In the terminal run the following command to create a new Firepress App:

firepress create <directory>

e.g firepress create ./my-test-app

Firepress' default template will be installed along with all dependencies.

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